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William Vandry and boxing legend Leon Spinks wish all veterans the best


By | May 29th, 2017|Our News|0 Comments

VHF co-founder William Vandry and boxing champ Leon Spinks message to all veterans

  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nr3PppD_6as Leon states to all Veterans: "I wish you the best!" Leon Spinks and VHF co-founder Chandra Vandry Leon and William Vandry Vandry and Spinks discussed boxing, MMA, life and health in Las Vegas.  Spinks defeated Muhammad Ali in 1978 to win the WBC heavyweight title. William and Chandra work with all types of [...]

By | May 28th, 2017|Our News|0 Comments

Veterans Suicide Prevention Channel interviews William Vandry on Chronic pain with veterans on “Alternatives to Opioids Series”


By | May 12th, 2017|Our News|0 Comments

Vandry Hope founders william and Chandra Vandry give self defense, fitness training to TSBVI blind children

VHF co-founder Chandra Vandry with TSBVI blind students Gage, Ashton, Mikali and John VHF volunteers with TSBVI counselors, and blind students attendees Professor William Vandry high fives William and Chandra Vandry formed the non profit and registered 501c Vandry Hope foundation.  The Vandry Hope Foundation’s purpose is to develop programs promoting nutrition, physical education, and [...]

By | July 11th, 2016|Our News|0 Comments